Trash Pick-Up

If your scheduled pick-up is missed, please call Rumpke (502) 568-3800, ext 7445 to let them know. Please leave your trash out and allow 48 hours for Rumpke to pick it up.


Per Rumpke, all furniture, mattresses, and box springs MUST be in plastic. Please come by our office at 750 Clay Street if you need a plastic bag.  Bags are provided free of charge to city residents. Carpet must be cut into 4' x 6' sections and must be bundled.


For large items, such as appliances, call Rumpke at (502) 568-3800, ext 7445, to let them know you have large items for pick-up.  They will need to schedule extra help for your day of pick-up. 

Thank you for your cooperation!